Getting Started Tips

Getting Started Tips

I am now 6 years into the industry, and I have been apart of various teams all from different sizes, experience, and projects. I have been apart of start ups, and large companies. I thought it would be nice to share some of the knowledge and experience I have had, and put it into little tips for anyone new in the industry. I hope this gives you insight moving forward in your career. The important thing to know is you belong here, there will be many times (I still do this) where I think to myself "I do not know what I am doing.. why am I here". If you truly love what you do, you will move past these moment every time and realize you are a boss!

You don't need to have everything figured out right away.

I did not know this was going to be my career until I was 22. So DO NOT STRESS! take the time you need to figure out what will make you wake up everyday excited to start it. I live and breath code so the motivation always keeps me going happily. It is also perfectly fine if you decide this is not what you want to do. There is plenty of time to pivot. Make sure you are happy.

Practical over theory.

This may be different for others. But expecially in programming, it is important to get your hands into code as soon as possible! It is important to learn the theory and understand how things operate, but until you get in there and actually experience how things are run, it will be harder to grasp. Alot of my knowledge game from just fooling around making stupid little things. Its more about what you HAVE DONE, not exactly your grades or what you know off the top of your head. Most interviews or job descriptions will ask for your "github" account or equivalent. Or ask you to show something you have done. They want to know that you have applied your knowedlge to the test with actual tangible things.

Do not be intimidated! Everywhere is just as lost as you (to a degree)

When I first started, I was intimidated going to my first co-op opportunity. I figured I would get there and feel like such an ameture to all-stars who had everything together. Once I got there, I realized it is just as dysfunctional and as anywhere else (like a family). I do not mean that there were fights and no one got along. It is more so you realize they do not know everything themselves, and they are figuring it out along the way. You can tell this by the codebase and their processes. It is part of the industry to continue to learn and grow. This makes it very relateable to yourself and you are able to take a deep breath and be apart of their journey aswell! Be yourself and be eager to learn with them!

Ask questions, and ask again!

Everyone has most likely heard the term no question is a dumb question, and it more true then ever in this industry. I continue to ask questions to this day and ask them over and over again for clarification. Your managers would prefer you to continue to communicate and ask rather than to keep to your self in fear they will judge you. If you keep to yourself, you are more likely to go in the wrong direction, which is not good for anyone! It is important to fully understand what is tasked to you so you can complete it correctly the first time.
